We are the World made Small


I don’t know when or where this happened. Maybe tangled between midnight talks and caverns of pillows. Or perhaps it was in the forgotten corner of a coffee shop or strolling hand in hand through parks. But somewhere along this wordless map I woke up and realized we’re right where we are supposed to be.

Our love came unannounced.

It was no course of unlikely events that lead us together, but rather with remarkable simplicity we finally wondered into one another.

I want to get lost exploring obscure little places just so we can say we went there together. Because with you, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Everything I’ve done, I want to do with you.

Like a selfish child I crave the ability to call you mine. When I was small I dreamed of someone with strong hands to hold my own. And now I want to be loved with the strength and charm of maturity.

I’m not the first person you have loved. But I willingly answer the impending invitation to fall softly into your atmosphere.  You draw me in with honeyed kisses and a gentle touch. Your voice is warm and familiar, your arms are solid and safe; a well-worn map, containing my favorite places to get lost.

I love watching your lips form the letters that make my name.

I want to be the light found in your thoughtful eyes, and the smiled that catches in the corners of your mouth.

I want to be the melody that lulls you softly to sleep, and whisper a thousand mouthfuls of forever in your ear.

I want to care for you. I will not be afraid of your scars, and ask you not to think too deeply of mine.

I struggle with the memories of life before you flooded my pages with thoughts. I can’t remember the way my heart before knowing the beat that travels through it as you trace the lines on my hands.  I can’t remember what I thought of before memorizing the curves of your expression.

Your splendor wrecks me, breaks me into a thousand hopeful pieces.  Shimmering like love swept into the corner.

I want to cover your anxieties and watch them peacefully fade away into my heartbeat- full of satisfied farewells.

I want our hearts to be full of delight and to love with reckless abandon- embracing every decision and choosing to love without regret.

Inspired by pieces from Clementine Von Radic, Kristina Hayes and Nina Lacour

And the book: “I wrote this for you” by Ian Thomas.

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